The Phenomenon of Crisis, its Dimensions and Characteristics not only for Economists

To chci

The paper deals with the issue of crisis. It approaches crisis as a phenomenon that may and indeed does occur in any area of human activity. There are production, economic, social, political, power, military, civilisational and other crises. The paper analyses the dimensions and characteristics of crises in detail, exploring their individual dimensions and potentials. celý popis

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Podrobná bibliografie

Hlavní autor:
Roman Rak, 1962-
Další autoři:
Dagmar Kopencová, Vlaidmír Šulc, Vladimíra Hudecová, Peter Chriašteĺ
Typ dokumentu:
Fyzický popis:
6 obrázků
Publikováno v:
Proceedings of International Scientific Conference Economic and Social Policy. -- ISSN 2571-1776. -- Strana 415-426
Obsahuje bibliografii


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