Výsledky vyhledávání - "nadnárodní společnosti"
International business strategy : theory and practice
With stagnated demand in many home economies, the need to internationalize and exploit foreign market opportunities has never been more paramount for businesses to succeed at a global level. However, …
KnihyNalezeno v 2 institucích
Nalezeno v 2 institucích
Nalezeno v 1 instituci
Global shift : mapping the changing contours of the world economy
Průvodce hospodářskou globalizací pro společenské vědy. Mapuje měnící se těžište globální ekonomiky a vysvětluje globální krizi. Co se děje ve světě? Měnící se obrysy …
KnihyNalezeno v 3 institucích
Bez loga
Rozsáhlá a exaktními statistickými údaji podpořená studie o podobách moderního marketingu. Kleinová ve čtyřech oddílech své práce (Bez prostoru, Bez volby, Bez práce, Bez loga) …
Knihy -
Podnikání v globalizovaném světě
Kniha představuje praktickou učební pomůcku zejména pro studenty ekonomických oborů. Autoři v knize vykládají vztah podnikání a globalizace velmi komplexně; reflektují nejen finanční …
Knihy -
Nalezeno v 1 instituci
Take your company global : the new rules of international expansion
"If you're on the internet, you're global-HubSpot executive Nataly Kelly offers an innovative data-driven model for profitably expanding the international presence you already have. …
KnihyNalezeno v 1 instituci
Nalezeno v 1 instituci
International human resource management in South Korean multinational enterprises
In this book, Korean multinational enterprises management strategies in China are analyzed. China is re centering Asia around its newfound economic might, even as neighboring countries such as Japan …
KnihyNalezeno v 1 instituci
Value creation in international business. Volume 1, An MNC perspective
"This edited collection brings into focus the meanings, interpretations and the process of value creation in international business. Exploring value creation in the context of emerging and …
KnihyNalezeno v 1 instituci
The role of corporate sustainability in Asian development : a case study handbook in the automotive and ICT industries
This book examines the challenges faced by seven multinational companies - Intel, Lenovo, Samsung Electronics, ZTE, BMW Hyundai Motor Company, Mahindra and Mahindra - in their endeavour to contribute …
KnihyNalezeno v 1 instituci
No logo
"When No logo was first published, it became an instant bestseller and international phenomenon. Its riveting exposé of the branded and corporate world in which we live became a rallying cry for …
KnihyNalezeno v 1 instituci
Understanding matrix structures and their alternatives : the key to designing and managing large, complex organizations
This book describes the use of matrix structures in large, complex organizations such as MNCs. Using an information-processing perspective of organization design, it develops a more comprehensive …
KnihyNalezeno v 1 instituci
Transnational organizations and cross-cultural workplaces
This work explores everyday face-to-face interactions between expatriate and host national employees in cross-cultural offices of transnational organizations and corporations. Applying the concepts of …
KnihyNalezeno v 1 instituci
Corporate social responsibility in China : cultural and ownership influences on perceptions and practices
This book explores how the traditional Chinese culture and business ownership influence corporate social responsibility in China. By comparing state-owned enterprises, private companies and …
KnihyNalezeno v 1 instituci
Emerging economy MNEs : exploring the integration of knowledge transfer and strategy for sustainable performance
This book explores the influence of the modes of knowledge transfer and environmental dynamism on the relationship between strategic actions and the sustainable balanced scorecard measurement of …
KnihyNalezeno v 1 instituci
Nalezeno v 1 instituci
Nalezeno v 2 institucích
Nadnárodní společnosti
Vývoj nadnárodních společností, jejich rozdílnost podle místa původu a rozmanitost podle oodvětvové struktury. Vnitřní fungování a ekonomický význam. Úloha v národních ekonomikách …
KnihyNalezeno v 5 institucích