Výsledky vyhledávání - "emigrace"

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    Sexualised citizenship : a cultural history of Philippines-Australian migration

    This book considers the intersections of race, gender and class in multicultural Australia through the lens of migration to the country. Focusing on Philippines-born migration, it presents the profile …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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    Autor se ve vzpomínkách soustředil zejména na období svého dětství a mládí. Vyprávění končí emigrací v r. 1960. Spokojený život syna majitele sladovny ukončila 2. světová válka. …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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    Nový svět

    Výjimečné komiksové album beze slov. Co dokáže tolik lidí přimět k tomu, aby vše opustili a sami bez rodiny a přátel se vydali na cestu do tajemné země, v níž je vše bezejmenné a …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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    Emigration and diaspora policies in the age of mobility


    This volume examines the ways different countries around the world have responded to rising numbers of mobile citizens. Complete with detailed case studies, it provides a groundbreaking and global …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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    Migrants as agents of change : social remittances in an enlarged European Union

    "This book offers a unique and innovative way of looking at the paradoxical consequences of human mobility. Based on a three-year transnational multi-sited longitudinal research project, it …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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    New Eastern European immigrants in the United States

    This book deftly extends previous research on post-1965 immigration to the United States in order to examine the cultural, socioeconomic, structural, and political adaptation of Eastern European …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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    Boundaries within: nation, kinship and identity among migrants and minorities


    This volume investigates the relationship between migration, identity, kinship and population. It uncovers the institutional practices of categorization as well as the conducts and the ethics adopted …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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    Migration theory : talking across disciplines


    "During the last decade the issue of migration has increased in global prominence and has caused controversy among the host countries around the world. Continuing their interdisciplinary …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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    Bangladeshi migration to Singapore : a process-oriented approach

    This book examines international labour migrants in the context of South-South migration with a focus on Bangladeshi migration to Singapore. Two principal questions in the South-South migration are …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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    Post-Soviet migration and diasporas : from global perspectives to everyday practices


    This book examines the relationship between post-Soviet societies in transition and the increasingly important role of their diaspora. It analyses processes of identity transformation in post-Soviet …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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    Linguistic diasporas, narrative and performance : the Irish in Argentina

    This book explores the present-day Irish Diaspora in Argentina, using oral narrative and a sociolinguistic theoretical framework to draw out the features that define contemporary Hiberno-Argentine …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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    Muslim community organizations in the West : history, developments and future perspectives


    The book focusses on the historical emergence and contemporary challenges of Muslim community organizations and their struggle for recognition as ordinary voices in multiethnic and multi-religious …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci