Search in Domestic resources and Libraries directory

Advanced search in Domestic resources and Libraries directory

A form for advanced search allows users to enter a complex and complicated queries. For each word it is possible to specify the category of search.

Search boxes

User chooses the category(such as author or title) which will be searched from the drop-down list (with pre-set search In All Fields).

It is possible to Add search box and to enter additional search terms.

Logical operators from a drop-down menu Match can be applied on any search box in the group:

Search group

Add search group allows the user to add additional search boxes, on which another logical operator can be applied.

Therefore, for example records in which occur all terms from the first group while only selected terms from another group can be searched, just as if you were entering an expression with prentheses.

Logical operator can be applied also on search groups. There are following options in the dropdown menu Match:

More options

Searching can be limited by language, country of publication, document type and an interval of years of publication. Settings for the number of results per page is also available.

To clear the form, click on the Clear.